Upcoming project - MQTT LED panel // Patron Only

A quick and easy project that should take an hour to build… Maybe even less!
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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
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<div class="card-body p-0"><figure class="m-0 p-1"> <img src="https://media.mickmake.com//patron/post/upcoming-project-mqtt-led-panel-patron-only/images/thumbs/PO-MQTTpanel_640x360_.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="360" srcset="https://media.mickmake.com//patron/post/upcoming-project-mqtt-led-panel-patron-only/images/thumbs/PO-MQTTpanel_240x135_.jpg 240w, https://media.mickmake.com//patron/post/upcoming-project-mqtt-led-panel-patron-only/images/thumbs/PO-MQTTpanel_320x180_.jpg 320w, https://media.mickmake.com//patron/post/upcoming-project-mqtt-led-panel-patron-only/images/thumbs/PO-MQTTpanel_384x216_.jpg 384w, https://media.mickmake.com//patron/post/upcoming-project-mqtt-led-panel-patron-only/images/thumbs/PO-MQTTpanel_480x270_.jpg 480w, https://media.mickmake.com//patron/post/upcoming-project-mqtt-led-panel-patron-only/images/thumbs/PO-MQTTpanel_640x360_.jpg 640w" sizes="(max-width:240px) 240w, (max-width:320px) 320w, (max-width:384px) 384w, (max-width:480px) 480w, (max-width:640px) 640w" data-src="https://media.mickmake.com//patron/post/upcoming-project-mqtt-led-panel-patron-only/images/thumbs/PO-MQTTpanel_640x360_.jpg" class="lazyload p-0 " /> <figcaption> </figcaption> </figure>
Hi Patrons,
In preparation for the kick-off of the DockerFu video series, I thought I’d tempt people with a quick project that you can build in less than an hour. Heck probably even in 10 minutes!
With this project you will be able to control an RGB LED matrix panel directly via MQTT. This means that you could tie it into an IFTTT back-end and get it to display messages on certain conditions.
It’ll be driven from a Pi running Docker from a tiny container running MQTT and Python.
This will also tie into my other video on Nagios and MQTT - display certain messages on certain conditions.
I was going to release it this weekend as well as the mailbag, but there’s still a fair amount of coding left to do and it needs to be right. Thanks for your support!